Francis Ford Coppola – who directed such classic movies as Godfather and Apocalypse Now – has expressed his profound disappointment with modern 3D entertainment.
According to Coppola, today’s 3D technology differs little from what was widely available in the 1950’s.

“I feel that until you can watch 3D without glasses, it’s the same thing we [already] know,” Coppola told Electronic House in an interview quoted by Kotaku.
Coppola noted that watching 3D content with glasses was a “tiresome” experience and conceded he had removed his spectacles to watch part of James Cameron’s Avatar in all its blurry 2D glory.
Finally, Coppola opined that Hollywood’s “big push” for 3D was just “another way” for studios and electronic companies to charge more for tickets and high-priced (3D) televisions.
Coppola, of course, is not alone in his dislike for 3D entertainment.
As TG Daily previously reported, film critic Roger Ebert recently expressed similar sentiments about the rapidly evolving medium.
“Hollywood’s current crazy stampede toward it is suicidal. It adds nothing essential to the moviegoing experience. For some, it is an annoying distraction. For others, it creates nausea and headaches,” explained Ebert.
“It is driven largely to sell expensive projection equipment and add a $5 to $7.50 surcharge on already expensive movie tickets. Its image is noticeably darker than standard 2-D.”
Ebert also insisted that 3D was “unsuitable” for “grown-up” films of any seriousness.
“It limits the freedom of directors to make films as they choose. For moviegoers in the PG-13 and R ranges, it only rarely provides an experience worth paying a premium for.”
However, Ebert noted that he was “not opposed” to 3D as an option, but remained firmly against the medium as a “way of life” for Hollywood.
“It seems to be skewing major studio output away from the kinds of films we think of as Oscar-worthy. Scorsese and Herzog make films for grown-ups. Hollywood is racing headlong toward the kiddie market. Disney recently announced it will make no more traditional films at all, focusing entirely on animation, franchises, and superheroes.”