How do you like them tax dollars at work? Yeah, I mean the same cash that funded extracurricular activities for rogue FBI agents, like watching porn, “checking up” on exotic dancers and visiting strip clubs.
But wait, it gets even better. According to CNN, yet another FBI employee shared confidential information with his girlfriend (who was a news reporter), then later threatened to release a steamy sex tape the two had made.
Now for the sordid details:
– A supervisor routinely watched pornographic videos in his office during work hours and engaged in bouts of self-gratification (ugh). Penalty? 35-day suspension.

– An employee who somehow managed to obtain a “leadership position” misused a government database (*gasp*) to “check” on two friends who were exotic dancers, and then invited them to the office for an “after hours” get together. Penalty? 23-day suspension.
– A drunk employee “exploited” his FBI status at a strip club to falsely claim (pfft) he was “conducting an official investigation.” Penalty? 30-day suspension.
– A sober individual conducted “unauthorized searches on FBI databases” (*shock*) for information on public celebrities who were deemed “hot.” Penalty? 30-day suspension.
Meanwhile, James Wedick, a former veteran FBI supervisor who now owns a consulting firm, told CNN the offensive misconduct was undoubtedly an “embarrassment” to the bureau.
“We are horrified, we’re embarrassed. It bothers every official. It bothers everyone who works for the bureau.
“But law enforcement, the FBI, is made up of men and women. Men and women do make mistakes, and unfortunately, sometimes the mistakes are little bit more egregious than others.”