An unidentified man dressed in a Darth Vader suit and gnarly camouflage pants has robbed a NYC bank.
However, the masked villain – who looted a Chase branch in Long Island – was forced to make do with an old-fashioned semiautomatic handgun, rather than an elegant light saber or clumsy blaster.

”He immediately displayed a gun and demanded cash from the teller,” Suffolk County Detective Sgt. William Lamb told the NY Post.
“I’d [certainly] say it’s very unusual [even for NYC].”
Louie Lin, a worker at a nearby Chinese restaurant, told the paper he had observed Darth in all his evil glory.
“All of a sudden, I saw this guy with a mask, and he was running very fast by the window,” said Lin.
“It was pretty crazy. He had the whole outfit on.”
Another restaurant worker who witnessed Vader’s hurried getaway said the robbery had only reinforced his intense dislike of Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine and the Imperial Senate.
“I thought it was pretty comical, but I guess this guy was pretty serious about needing some money…I always liked ‘Star Wars,’ but I never liked Darth Vader.”