Gamers with a 3D TV setup have another reason to rejoice this morning, as Sony last night uploaded a remastered version of the classic PS2 version of Prince of Persia fully upgraded for the PS3.
And yes, that includes full stereoscopic 3D support for those with a new 3D TV and matching 3D glasses.

It comes as somewhat of a surprise to see the game hit the US side of the PS3’s downloadable library, as a special Prince of Persia Trilogy retail game had popped up only for the UK. That led spectators to believe a US release of the re-made games would not be in the near future.
That’s not the case now, however, as the US will focus on a digital-only release of the classic Prince of Persia games.
So even though the special packaging won’t be coming here, players will be able to pick and choose which Prince of Persia games they want to download:
– Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
– Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
– Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
In addition, the full version of the Prince of Persia Trilogy will also be available as a downloadable release.
This comes as part of Ubisoft’s just-released list of its upcoming games for the new fiscal year. Each entry was listed with “PSN” instead of PS3 as the platform.
The disc-based version in the UK will be available for £29.99 when it comes out there on November 19.
Ubisoft also made brief mention of a potential Splinter Cell Trilogy also coming to the PlayStation Network. No actual specifics have been announced for that.
This all follows the release of Sony’s first-party God of War Trilogy as separate downloadable titles on the PSN. The PS3 units available at retail continue to have larger and larger hard drives, so more players have more room for downloadable games.
Hopefully we’ll continue to see classic titles resurrected. After all, who doesn’t love nostalgia?