To countless Americans, watching the perpetually burning Yule Log on TV is a Christmas tradition, and this year it’s getting a high-tech makeover.
It’s been part of the holiday TV makeup since the 1960s and has remained relatively unchanged over the last 44 years. Hundreds of millions of viewers have tuned in to see the relaxing fireplace burning with classic Christmas music in the background.

This year, though, you can make it feel like that log is so close you can touch it. For the first time, its producers will make the TV special available in 3D. Time Warner Cable, Comcast, Cablevision, and Cox have all signed up to offer the 3D feed to their customers.
“Cable raised the bar a few years ago with the first high-definition crackling fire. Now this year for the first time, many systems are also showing the ‘Yule Log’ in 3D, in addition to high definition and standard definition,” said the show’s production company in a statement.
Of course, many homes probably have a 3D TV sitting under the tree right now, so you may want to open that present first so you can immediately see what 3D broadcasts look like.