While Need For Speed didn’t take off at the box office, we’re still hoping there will be a big video game movie that will turn the genre around, and we think this could happen pretty soon. In fact, one movie that has a lot of promise, Splinter Cell, just secured a director, and he’s an interesting choice.
Apparently Doug Liman, who helmed Swingers and Go, will be the director of Splinter Cell. We like off the wall director and casting choices, because it means the studio is taking the property seriously and isn’t turning it over to some hack. Even though he’s also helmed The Bourne Identity and Mr and Mrs Smith, Liman is not a typical blockbuster director, and he could deliver something pretty cool.

Tom Hardy is slated to star in Splinter Cell, and as we’ve reported before on TGD, Ubisoft is developing their movie properties in house to keep studio meddling down to a minimum. The Hollywood Reporter tells us that Splinter Cell hopes to start shooting in August for a 2015 release.
So here’s hoping Splinter Cell and Warcraft, the long awaited big screen edition of World of Warcraft, will be the big video game movies fans have been hoping for, and still haven’t gotten.