Big Trouble in Little China is one of those not-so-guilty pleasures that geeks everywhere enjoy. It’s not John Carpenter’s best movie, but it’s definitely a lot of fun, and it’s always good to have Kurt Russell and Carpenter working together.
Now Big Trouble will be transformed into a graphic novel, which a lot of properties are doing these days. Where back in the day a lot of comic companies would adapt a movie into a comic, nowadays graphic novels are creating prequel and sequel stories to movies, which is a much cheaper proposition than making an movie sequel or prequel. (Pacific Rim, for example, did this.)

This version of Big Trouble is coming from Boom! Studios, and the teaser image being released clearly shows Kurt Russell as lead character Jack Burton with a gun in one hand, a knife in the other, with the caption, “Everybody relax! I’m here.”
While Big Trouble didn’t do well at the box office, we’re glad it’s coming back in any form, and we’re very anxious to see what kind of hijinx Burton will get into next.