It’s hard to know what’s legit news on Star Wars. Seems like every time someone farts, a new rumor pops up on the net. The legit trades have been running this story, so here’s who could be the villain in Episode VII…
Adam Driver. If you’re not familiar with the name or his work, Driver stars on the show Girls, and he’s also starred in Lincoln, and Inside Llewyn Davis. (In addition, Driver was up for another future tentpole, Batman Vs. Superman, reportedly for the role of Nightwing.)

As far as who else is rumored for a role in Star Wars, it’s hard to list all the names, because pretty much every young actor in Hollywood have been allegedly considered or looked at for Episode VII. Several reports tell us that Michael Fassbender and Hugo Weaving were also reportedly up for the villain role that Driver may be playing, and the final deal could be finalized within several days. The Hollywood Reporter tells us that actors will soon have to begin exercising and “Jedi training” for the film, which will begin shooting in the Spring.
Star Wars Episode VII will be hitting theaters on December 18, 2015.