A biopic about Kevin Smith? Isn’t he always doing a form of a biopic with this TV shows and podcasts? Would we even believe somebody else playing him? Would he be willing to play himself in someone else’s movie?
It used to be you made biopics about people like Gandhi, but ever since Ed Wood, which came out twenty years ago, a lot of kooky people have had their life stories adapted to the big screen. Now The Wrap tells us that two superfans in England are taking on the challenge of adapting Smith’s life to the big screen.

The movie will be called Shooting Clerks, and it will focus on Smith making the legendary indie classic that launched his career, Clerks. As it turns out, Smith is well aware of the two super fans, Christopher Downie and Brett Murray, and he played one of their short films, Get Greedo, on his podcast.
As Downie said, “The story of how Kevin became a filmmaker is one that I’ve been fascinated by for years and I always saw it as a movie. I was just fed up waiting for someone to make it.”
As with a lot of indie projects, the Smith superfans are looking for help from the public, and are seeking funds from IndieGoGo. They’re hoping to raise about $46,000 to get the movie made, and we’re willing to bet an indie movie about the making of an indie movie can be made on that budget. In the meantime, Smiths will continue the Clerks saga by shooting part 3 this May.