Howard Stern is 60? It’s not that we thought he wouldn’t hit this milestone one day, it’s just another thing that makes us feel much older. Seemed like only yesterday he broke into L.A. after ruling N.Y., and he soon became a phenomenon everywhere.
Whether you’re a fan of Howard’s or not, it’s bizarre to think of him pushing towards retirement age, and he just celebrated his birthday with a big bash at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York. Celebrities who came down were Barbara Walters, Steven and Joe from Aerosmith, Slash, Lena Dunham, Sarah Silverman, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, David Letterman, Robert Downey Jr., Jewel, Louis C.K. and many more.

Rolling Stone was also surprised that Stern took a serious moment to remark on how far he’d come in life. “I never envisioned I’d make more than $96 a week in this industry or be part of anything this big. When I look around this room, I am overwhelmed, and, I mean this, it was the most incredible night of my life.”
Stern has said he doesn’t want to keep doing this when his contract runs out next year, but we’re curious what on earth he’d do without his show. He doesn’t need the money, he doesn’t need the glory, but as a major workaholic, you wonder what on earth he’ll do with himself. As a longtime fan, I’m dreading the day Stern will finally leave the air because his hilarity has gotten me through a number of tough times in my life. But like Johnny Carson used to say, you gotta know when to get off the stage, and if he’s gotta go soon, we fans will always be very grateful for all the laughs.