Now that Batman Vs Superman has pushed back its release date by nearly a year, we should have figured that another summer blockbuster would be moving into its place. Well as it turns out, Ant-Man has indeed pushed his way in to fill the gap.
As Collider tells us, Ant-Man will move up two weeks early to July 17, 2015. The only other movie opening on this date is a Peter Pan reboot that will be directed by Joe Wright (Hanna). As you probably know by now, Paul Rudd and Michael Douglas are starring in Ant-Man, along with Michael Pena (End of Watch), and Clifton Collins Jr. (Pacific Rim).

B V S has been moved to May 6, 2016, where another Marvel movie is slated to open. No one knows what it will be, but it could be the long-awaited big screen adaptation of Doctor Strange.
In other Marvel news, Samuel Jackson is about to play Nick Fury again for Avengers Age of Ultron, and he talked about the character to the Hollywood Reporter. Although Avengers 2 will make a gazillion dollars at the box office, you get the feeling The Avengers won’t go on and on forever. Robert Downey Jr. has expressed interest in doing more than playing Tony Stark his entire life, and as Jackson told the Reporter, “I’m running out of pictures.”
He added, “I have three pictures left on my nine picture deal…unless they extend my contract.” Still, Jackson likes playing Nick Fury, and when asked if he would sign up for nine more Marvel movies, he replied, “Why wouldn’t I?”