There’s been a lot of Star Wars speculation all over the net, and while nothing has been confirmed, the recent reports claim that every young actor with a pulse has been supposedly up for a role, and that the original trio of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Princess Lei, are all going to have larger roles in the next film.
On one hand, it’s great to honor the original Star Wars, but on the other, it’s probably going to be disillusioning to see our great sci-fi heroes much older, jowlier, and flabbier than in the original trilogy. Still, recent reports tell us that the next film will concentrate on the OG three, and the children of Luka, Han and Leia will take center stage in the next two films.

According to Latino Review and Giant Freakin Robot, Mark Hamill may have a very large role in the next film, with Latino speculating he could be working on the next Star Wars flick for six months. The site also writes that Jesse Plemons from Breaking Bad may be close to closing a deal for three Star Wars flicks, and this could be playing Skywalker’s son.
In addition, Latino Review reports that a Boba Fett spin-off movie could also be written by Lawrence Kasdan (Empire Strikes Back, Raiders of the Lost Ark), and Kasdan has been reworking the current Star Wars script with JJ Abrams after the departure of Michael Arndt (Toy Story 3). A Boba Fett movie has long been rumored, and Joe Johnson (The Rocketeer) is reportedly in the running to direct. Johnson created the Boba Fett character with Lucas and Star Wars designer Ralph McQuarrie.
Once again, no official word on any of this, so take it for what it’s worth until official word breaks sometime this year.