It took a long time, and some fans, like myself, never thought it would come to pass, but it’s now official…Batman the TV show is coming to DVD and BluRay this year.
Many of you have probably wondered why the great sixties camp classic hasn’t been on home video, DVD, or BluRay by now, and the reason was a huge rights battle between Fox, who created the TV show, and Warner Brothers, who own the character. But now, finally, the road has been cleared, and we’ll be able to own all three seasons of Batman very soon.

This was announced by Conan O’Brien, oddly enough, but who cares who announces it? It’s great news, and I for one am really looking forward to seeing it again. As HitFix writes, “This could well be one of the last holy grail titles for TV fans,” and it remarkable the rights situation couldn’t have been cleared up sooner, especially considering Batman is one of the biggest franchises in the world.
Nevertheless, good things come to those who wait, and it should definitely be worth it. There’s a lot of fans today that don’t get the Batman TV show because they grew up with the Christian Bale Batman. Even with the Tim Burton Batman, there was a strong, conscious effort to make a much more serious superhero story, the antithesis of the TV show.
Still, without the campy Batman of the ‘60’s, we wouldn’t have the Batman we know and love today. The fans of the show don’t need to be reminded of this, and I know we’re really going to enjoy watching it again with great joy.