Guillermo Del Toro will soon be filming his next movie, a ghost story called Crimson Peak, and there’s still hope he’ll make a sequel to Pacific Rim one of these days. He also has the FX series The Strain coming this July.
The Strain is based on a three book series written by Del Toro and Chuck Hogan, and this will thankfully take vampires away from the modern teen incarnation of them. Showrunner Carlton Cuse, who is also in charge of Bates Motel, promised The Hollywood Reporter, “You’ll never look at vampires the same way. These are not sparkly, brooding dudes with fangs and romantic problems. These are really scary creatures.”

The Strain will also have much more depth, and it would be great to see a vampire series giving Walking Dead a run for the money. (Hey, we like zombies as much as anybody, we’re just asking for some variety.) “It’s really a great yarn and it’s exciting,” Cuse said. “But it’s about something more.”
The hope is that this series could go for three to five seasons, and the first season will be an adaptation of the first book. If the show is a hit, the next seasons will adapt the next two books. We’re also dying to see what the creatures will look like, because like Walking Dead, you’ll need great make-up and FX to really bring all this to life.
After Del Toro’s been on the bench trying to get many projects off the ground, it’s good to see him back up and running, and we’re hoping The Strain will keep genre TV going strong in the upcoming year.