Whenever there’s a major blunder in genre pop culture, we all know fans will go nuts on the net. These days, the Twittersphere will especially erupt with protest. This happened a lot in 2013, and one publication listed the top Twitter explosions of the year.
It’s a given that Batman Vs Superman aroused a lot of Twitter ire, and as we’ve mentioned before on TGD, it’s the current fanboy whipping boy. Yet this didn’t even make the top spot on The Hollywood Reporter’s list of Twitter protests. That honor went to Fifty Shades of Grey.

The readership of Grey went crazy when Dakota Johnson and Charlie Hunnam were announced in the lead roles, and a petition was launched to oust them. Hunnam couldn’t take the pressure of being in a big role, and Jamie Dornan stepped in. (We sincerely doubt the net trolls had any factor in his decision.)
And along with Ben Affleck as Batman, the fact that there’s going to be a Wonder Woman in B V S also raised a lot of Twit-sanity, though unlike Hunnam, Gal Gadot is very excited to take on the role. (Gadot served in the Israeli army, and we doubt she’s afraid of any trolls.)
It will certainly be interesting to see how Grey and B V F will finally fare once they’re completed and in theaters. Both are sure to have huge opening weekends, and again, we’re dying for the powers that be to prove us all wrong. Never forget that Titanic and the first X-Men movie had the worst buzz imaginable, and both turned out alright. (World War Z is another recent example of a runaway production that ultimately didn’t derail, by the skin of its teeth of course, but it still was a hit.)