Okay, Batman Vs Superman is silly enough, but if there’s any truth to this, it’s taking things way too far. Yes, there is a “report,” which means it has been reported but not confirmed, that there could be a Fantastic Four Vs X-Men movie, a development that had to be inspired by Batman Vs Superman.
With The Avengers, superhero teams have been the hot thing for the last several years, and X-Men could make a big comeback this year with the next installment, Days of Future Past. But if this movie’s going to go forward, we think it could be really ridiculous, and another example of what one publication called superhero greed.

The Hollywood Reporter ran this story, and if it’s true, it’s going to be made at Fox, which owns the rights to both franchises. Now as long time TGD readers know, there is a reboot of The Fantastic Four in the works at Fox, which will be directed by Josh Trank, and it’s currently slated for a summer 2015 release. (X-Men Days of Future Past is coming out on May 23, 2014.)
As it turns out, it looks like we’ve been had, or that somebody didn’t get their facts together before posting this story. I know, something like this happening on the internet, go figure, right? But it’s funny to think what would have happened if something like this actually did go forward, would make a great comedy actually. I can just see the stupid studio executive pitching this, like Buck Henry pitching The Graduate Part Two in The Player. “X-Men Vs….The Fantastic Four! Two great teams battling it out in a superhero superbowl!” “Great! Make the toy deal with Mattel!”
Thankfully, even if an idea this silly came to pass, the next X-Men movie, X-Men Apocalypse, is currently on track for a 2016 release, so we probably wouldn’t even see this monstrosity until the end of the decade if it was indeed in the process of being made.