With movies costing so much these days, we guess it should be expected that there could be some real manic depressive returns at the box office, and this year especially had some major highs and lows.
We at TGD just ran a list of what are considered the worst movies of the year, or the top ten at least according to Yahoo, and not surprisingly, a lot of those films flopped bad at the BO. After Earth and The Lone Ranger were especially big disasters, andt this will also be known as the summer where a number of movies all tanked in a row, including White House Down, R.I.P.D., and more.

At the same time, there was the ginormous success of Iron Man 3, The Hunger Games, Thor: The Dark World, and Gravity, which shows that audiences are really digging the Imax format. The Hobbit’s also doing good business, still hanging in there at #1, and it just crossed the $300 million mark world-wide after ten days in release.
So it looks as if comic films will probably have another two good years, and the last installments of The Hobbit and Hunger Games should carry over into 2014 and 2015 respectively. Big event franchise pictures, for the most part, are still carrying the weight, but there are also movies more geared for adults that are doing well, like 12 Years a Slave, Captain Phillips, and The Butler, which should definitely come as a relief to older people who aren’t that excited about the next Avengers and Star Wars movies.