Terminator 5 is currently being scheduled for a July 1, 2015 opening, and the big casting decisions of course will revolve around who will play John and Sarah Connor. Several big names have been mentioned to play Sarah, and the producers would love Tom Hardy to play John. But now the news has hit that another actor who’s a little more under the radar may get the Connor role.
According to Vulture and The Wrap, Jason Clarke, who starred in Zero Dark Thirty, The Great Gatsby, and White House Down, is up to play Connor. (Clark is also in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, which is coming next summer.) According to Deadline, Emila Clark is “the frontrunner” to play Sarah Connor, and Brie Larson is still being looked at as well. The Wrap tells us a decision has to be made soon on Sarah, because Paramount “only has holds on the two actresses until December 15.”

The next Terminator also apparently has a new title, Terminator: Genesis, which points to the current speculation that this installment is a prequel. Deadline tells us that Skydance and Annapurna, the companies owned by David and Megan Ellison that are producing the film, hope to have two more Terminator movies finished by 2018, which is when the rights to their current agreement run out.
And yes, Ah-nold will be back as The Terminator again. That little bit of casting nobody has to worry about securing.