X-Men Days of Future Past is scheduled to hit theaters on May 23, 2014, and you know there’s going to be more to come. In fact, director Bryan Singer has already announced that the next film will be X-Men: Apocalypse.
This is especially good news to X-Men fans, because it could mean that Singer will be directing Apocalypse. Singer directed the first two X-Men flicks, which were great, and after he left the series to direct Superman Lives, Marvel’s famed Mutants went south on the silver screen. X-Men did have a pretty successful reboot with First Class, but we’re also glad to see Singer back at the helm.

As Hollywood Reporter tells us, Singer broke the news via Twitter, where he’s made a number of announcements about his filmmaking plans before. The sequel already has a release date, May 27, 2016, and as Singer tweeted, “#Xmen #Apocalypse 2016!”
Apocalypse is an X-Men villain, a mutant who’s immortal. He first appeared in 1986, and the Age of Apocalypse comic was released in the mid-nineties. Sharing the same release date is the sequel to Alice in Wonderland, and once again, another game of release date chicken has begun. (X-Men could be the big dog on that day, but the Tim Burton Alice was also a huge hit, making over a billion world-wide.)
So here’s hoping Days of Future Past is a winner, and that Singer will stay in the X-Men business for some time to come.