The Transformers movies have a huge following and make a ton of money world-wide, but certainly nobody confuses them for high art. In fact, despite all his success, Michael Bay is one of the most critically reviled directors in Hollywood.
Bay would certainly love to have critical respect, but making the audience happy is his #1 priority. Yet as Bay tells Yahoo and Giant Freakin Robot, the next Transformers movie will be much less goofy than his usual fare.

Bay promises that Transformers 4 will be “a much more cinematic one. I focused on keeping this one slick. There won’t be any goofiness in this one.” Promise Michael?
As Bay continued, “We went a bit too goofy” on Transformers 3, and this one is considered somewhat of a reboot, or so we’ve read. “It feels like a new chapter,” Bay says, but he won’t use the R word. “It’s not a reboot,” he says. “This movie lives in the history of the Transformers movies, and this one starts three years after the last. It feels fresh.”
Goofy or not, we’re talking Transformers, not Shakespeare here. Yes, there are many fans who aren’t fond of Bay’s humor, which is indeed quite childish, but again, as long as big robots are beating the crap out of each other, who cares if the story and dialog isn’t up to par?
However the next Transformers movie turns out, it’s certain to be a big hit when it hits theaters on June 27, 2014, and it will be in Imax and 3D.