As long time TGD readers know by now, JJ Abrams was hoping to have the next Star Wars movie open in 2016 so he wouldn’t be in a rush, but Disney has been adamant about the movie opening in 2015. At first, we figured it would come out on Memorial Day, which is usually when the Star Wars movies come out, but now a December 18, 2015 has been confirmed.
As Abrams told MTV and Collider, “It is an infinitely better situation now than when they were saying they wanted it in summer. Before I even came onto the project they were talking about 2015 and they made this announcement very early on…A release date’s great, but you have to release something great. To me, the new release date is a huge improvement.”

No matter how much time you have, a big blockbuster like Star Wars usually comes in right under the wire, because the FX and post production work usually takes forever. In fact, when the first Star Wars came out, wet prints straight out of the bath were sent to theaters while Lucas was still finishing up the sound mix.
Like the original Star Wars, this one will be shot in England, and as Abrams continued, he’s always wanted to work in London, “But I’m torn because I have done everything I can to keep the production of my projects in Los Angeles.” Abrams is also now a husband and a father, so it’s harder for him to be away. “The reality of making a movie like that for any period of time becomes much more difficult when there are other people that you desperately love and care for involved.”
The new model Star Wars is currently casting, and should start shooting some time early next year.