The fourth Jurassic Park movie, which is titled Jurassic World is now fully up and running, and headed for a June 12, 2015 date. Like Star Wars, Jurassic World is currently firming up its cast, and Bruce Dallas Howard, Ty Simpkins, and Nick Robinson are all aboard.
Also up for a role is Chris Pratt, star of Parks and Recreation. Pratt could end up playing Jurassic World’s male for lead, and Vulture tells us that Josh Brolin was initially up to star, but he dropped out over scheduling and salary issues. Collider tells us that Irrfan Khan from Life of Pi is up for a role as well.

Giant Freakin Robot tells us that the storyline of the new Jurassic Park may take place on Isla Nublar, off the coast of Costa Rica, where the first JP took place. This time, there could be a new theme park up and running where there haven’t been any issues, but there may also be a new dinosaur brought in to help increase attendance. You can guess the rest from here, and we’re willing to bet dollars to donuts that this new dino is going to get loose and wreak havoc everywhere. (The screenplay for Jurassic World was co-written by the team of Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver, who also wrote Rise of the Planet of the Apes.)
Variety tells us that Jurassic World will begin shooting early next year, and Pratt is also starring in Guardians of the Galaxy, where he’s playing Star-Lord, also known as Peter Quill. Looks like with both Jurassic World and Guardians that Pratt is about to hit the big screen big time, and we’re genuinely curious and excited to see if another Jurassic Park movie can revive the franchise, and potentially bring it back bigger than ever.