It’s hard to think of a superhero story more in desperate need of a big screen reboot than The Fantastic Four. Well, okay, I’m still holding out hope for a Howard the Duck remake, but we think The Fantastic Four has much more potential.
We’ve recently reported on TGD that things are moving forward fairly quickly on The Fantastic Four reboot. Josh Trank, director of Chronicle, will helm the new Four, and casting rumors include Michael B. Jordan, another Chronicle alumni, who could play Johnny Storm. Kit Harrington is also reputedly up to play Reed Richards (Game of Thrones), and Saoirse Roan (Hanna) might be playing Sue Storm.

The Fantastic Four originally had a release date of March 6, 2015, but now it’s moving up to June 19, 2015, possibly because Star Wars is moving out of the summer and into December 2015. Perhaps now that Star Wars has moved out of the way, Fox wants to make a Four reboot a serious contender.
The Fantastic Four won’t be an easy movie to translate to the big screen, none of them have hit the bulls-eye so far, but at least Fox is trying to reboot a superhero franchise that needs work, instead of reworking one that didn’t need fixing in the first place, like Superman.

Right as the new Fantastic Four release date was announced, the news also hit that the Fantastic Four comics will be getting a reboot as well. As reports, Marvel is merging the Fantastic Four and FF comics into Fantastic 4, and the new comic will be written by James Robinson (Earth 2), with art by Leonard Kirk, and a cover by Alex Ross.
As Robinson told USA Today, “What I hope to do is tie in their past without making it too referential and (touch on) how the past can affect the future. While I’m not reinventing the book, I’m certainly adding a side to it we maybe haven’t seen for a while.”
Here’s to the Fantastic Four getting successful reboots on the big screen, and in the comic book shops as well.