Ridley Scott surprised many when he announced there would be a sequel to Blade Runner. There’s also been plans in the works for some time about another Prometheus movie, which came out to mixed reviews, but it certainly has its fans.
We’ve been following the developments for the potential Blade Runner and Prometheus sequels here on TGD for quite some time, and we were especially surprised to read that Harrison Ford is interested in coming back, especially considering he and Scott previously did not get along. Scott told Collider and Empire that another Prometheus screenplay has been written, but he currently doesn’t have a start date.

Scott is currently working on Exodus, where Christian Bale is playing Moses, and that film is set for a December 12, 2014 release. Scott told Empire, “I have already got the next two films ready to go. That will be 2014, 2015…” But he wouldn’t reveal what his next two movies are exactly.
Scott added that, “Prometheus was a great experience for me. Chasing number two, we can start evolving the grand idea.” Blade Runner 2? “That will happen sooner or later.” Will sooner mean 2014 or 2015? Stay tuned…