It’s been reported that Harrison Ford, along with Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher, will be returning for the next Star Wars film, which is due to arrive in 2015. But could Ford be back for more Star Wars stories as well?
Perhaps Ford is in a sci-fi mood these days considering he’s starring in Ender’s Game this Friday, and Giant Freakin Robot reports he may be signing “a multi-picture deal” with Lucasfilm, which is of course now owned by Disney.

According to this report, Ford could be back for more movies in the Star Wars saga, and Lucasfilm wants to secure him for more installments to guarantee his return. Robot also tells us Ford wants to do one more go round as Indiana Jones, a character he likes more than Han Solo. This report tells us Ford wants to move forward with another Indy, and it could be in theaters by 2016 if everyone can agree to a story.
Robot suggests that another Indy film could be Ford’s bargaining chip for appearing as Han Solo in more movies. While everything with Star Wars is top secret, we’re sure word will leak some time before the beginning of production what the deal will be with Ford and the original Star Wars gang. It’s a trip that we’re seeing the saga come full circle like this, and TGD will be following all new developments as they come.