We know how much many of you hate 3D out there, even though movies like Gravity prove that there’s still amazing things that are being done with the technology. But for 3D haters, there is some good news: The less 3D movies there are out there, the cheaper it is to go to the movies.
This is pretty simple economics because a 3D movie is inherently going to cost more to screen, you have to provide glasses, etc. And as the Wrap tells us, the “average movie ticket price” has gone down in the third quarter of 2013.

As the site tells us, “The average ticket price during the three month span [mid-summer and early fall] topped out at $7.84…a 6.9 percent drop from the average of $8.38 during the previous quarter, when an onslaught of 3D and Imax releases like Iron Man 3 and Star Trek: Into Darkness drove ticket prices to record highs.”
Films like The Conjuring and We’re the Millers were also big hits without the higher 3D ticket prices. The Wrap tells us that Imax’s earnings are down, despite the success of Gravity, because Elysium, Pacific Rim, and Metallica’s Through the Never didn’t bring in the big crowds.
So we’re indeed stuck with 3D for a while, but it’s good to see the industry won’t be totally reliant on it.