Damon Lindelof is the creator of Lost , and he’s also the screenwriter of Prometheus, and Star Trek Into Darkness. And after much deliberation, Lindelof has left the Twittersphere.
As Variety reports, there’s a number of celebrities quitting Twitter in disgust, and it’s interesting that Lindelof has quit when he finally came to terms with the ending of Lost. But maybe the net haters have been too much to bear, much like Star Trek screenwriter Roberto Orci went crazy against the haters on Twitter as well.

A funny irony in light of Lindelof finally being satisfied with the ending of Lost, he left Twitter mid-sentence, and Variety points out this was similar to the very unsatisfying ending of The Sorpanos. Lindelof’s parting Tweet? “After much thought and deliberation, I’ve decided t [sic].”
Variety also reminds us that “Lindelof was among the first film and TV producers to embrace Twitter as a forum for communicating directly with fans and other showbiz peers.” But there’s only so little time anyone can dedicate to the hate and garbage on the net, and Lindelof is apparently done.
The industry trade reported that Lindelof was not available for comment, and maybe now that he’s off Twitter they can’t figure out how to reach him.