There was little doubt that The Walking Dead would have a big return this season, but it’s remarkable that it keeps getting bigger and stronger when it returns, unlike a zombie itself, which will continue to rot and grow progressively weaker as time goes in. In fact, the Walking Dead has broken yet another ratings record.
According to Time, The Walking Dead brought in a whopping 16.1 million viewers, which means it brought in more than 5 million more people than last season’s debut. Time also mentioned that for comparison’s sake, Breaking Bad had 10.28 million viewers an episode, so this is definitely really big stuff.

Not to mention, The Walking Dead pulled this off against Sunday Night Football. Ultimately, the Cowboys-Redskins game was the big ratings winner, but this is still a remarkable season debut for any show.
As the L.A. Times tells us, “AMC has far fewer original series than the broadcasters do. That means it can maximize exposure for one show at a time – which is exactly what the network did with a Walking Dead marathon that preceded the season premiere. But the fact remains that Walking Dead is a huge hit because a lot of people want to see it.” Duh.
So considering the Walking Dead is going like gangbusters, and Sleepy Hollow is currently the hottest new show on TV, we’re very excited to see that genre is alive and well on the small screen. While the zombie trend may finally play itself out one of these days, we’re willing to bet the Walking Dead will be around, and still going strong, for at least a few more years.