Gravity, starring George Clooney and Sandra Bullock, just had a strong debut at the Venice Film Festival, and the early reviews for it have been very positive. But who cares what the critics think when the king of the world hails your movie as a masterpiece.
According to The Verge, Cameron has called Gravity “the best space film ever done.” Cameron said he was “stunned, absolutely floored” by the movie, adding, “I think it’s the best space photography ever done, I think it’s the best space film ever done, and it’s the movie I’ve been hungry to see for an awful long time.”

In making Gravity, director Alfonso Cuaron sought advice from Cameron and David Fincher, not to mention Cameron is also thanked on the end credits. As Cuaron told the Hollywood Reporter, “There was not technology for what we were trying to achieve. But Cameron was a big champion.”
Cameron’s done plenty of movies where the technology hadn’t been available to make what was in his head. Come to think of it, every Cameron movie has been like this, and if he feels Cuaron reinvented the wheel with Gravity, it must be a hell of a movie.