So the news has hit that Ben Affleck is going to be the new model Batman, and like they say in AA, we don’t have to like it, but we do have to accept it. Not long after this announcement came the news that James Spader will be playing Ultron in Avengers 2, which will start shooting in England early next year.
Joss Whedon has lifted the cone of silence on the next Avengers movie here and there, and the next Avengers flick will be based on the comic series Age of Ultron. For those unaware of this particular villain, Ultron is an artificial intelligence that tries to destroy the world, and it also makes its own android called The Vision, who later becomes an Avenger.

As The Wrap reports, with Whedon adapting Ultron, it’s a signal that “the next blockbuster [Avengers] team-up will take a decidedly darker and more mind-bending turn…” In Ultron “several key Marvel superheroes are killed or MIA,” but like the upcoming X-Men Days of Future Past, there is also time travel involved, so perhaps whoever gets killed won’t stay dead for long.
There’s no world-wide revulsion at Spader being cast as an Avengers bad guy, and Tom Hiddleston (Loki From the first Avengers) has given his approval to the L.A. Times. In fact, a lot of tweets in reaction to this news are positive, with Whedon reminding fans that not only did Robert Downey Jr. and James Spader star together in Less Than Zero, but they were also together in the silly teen gang movie Tuff Turf.
“NO LOVE FOR TUFF TURF?!?!?!,” Whedon tweeted. “Step up your game, people!”
Avengers 2 will be hitting theaters May 1, 2015, the same year we get Batman Vs Superman, as well as the JJ Abrams model Star Wars movie. (Possibly another Terminator flick as well.)