If you’re old enough, and I may indeed be old enough for this, you probably recall when Dungeons and Dragons became a hot geek activity way back in the early eighties. Now that I think about it, it seemed the beginning of the decade we were playing a lot of games, whether they be in the arcade, or Trivial Pursuit, the Rubix Cube puzzle, and more.
Frankly, I don’t know that much about D&D. That world was a little too dense for me to penetrate, and there was too much reading involved before I actually enjoyed reading and learning. But I’d certainly love to learn more about it, and Of Dice and Men could be the best book on the subject to learn about it. (Great title too.)

I discovered this one on Amazon, and Of Dice and Men is written by David M. Ewalt. (Scribner is the publisher.) So what does Of Dice and Men promise? Well Ewalt is currently a senior editor at Forbes, and he also mentions that he started playing D&D when he was ten.
Of Dice and Men has gotten positive notice from Doom creator John Carmack, who said, “long before I made my mark in software, I was a pretty good Dungeon Master, and D&D has played a significant role in my life. Of Dice and Men brought back tons of fond memories.”
Chuck Klosterman also wrote, “It’s almost impossible to explain how Dungeons & Dragons works, and harder still to explain how it feels. This books comes as close as any I’ve ever read.” So check out Of Dice and Men, it looks like a great book for D&D fans and novices alike.