A group of senior citizens from Duluth, Georgia proved that old people can still have game.
The four-person team of Harry Sanger, Bill Taylor, Dolly Fyffe, and Jen DeRus competed against teams from other states to become the winners of the National Senior League Summer Open Wii Golf Tournament.

In their winning game, the group scored an impressive 7 under par in a 9-hole match.
Ever since the Parc at Duluth retirement community put a Wii in its recreation room, it has been a hit. Seemingly no one is too old to enjoy it.
The eldest member of the championship-winning team, Harry Sanger, is one of the most skilled. “You have no idea how glorious we all felt,” he said in an interview with Georgia’s Gwinnett Daily Post.
DeRus, a serious golfer back in her day, said that with Wii Golf, “You feel like you’re out on the golf course when you’re here, but it’s a lot easier. You still have to judge distance and wind speed and clubs and everything.”
To get the national title, the team had to submit their score to a representative for the National Senior League. They were one of the 10 teams to qualify for the championship. Each team played one round of golf in their respective retirement communities, and the Duluth team came out with the top score.
Heidi Adams, an assistant director for the Duluth community, said of the Wii, “It gets their adrenaline going. They’ll walk out of here without their walkers, completely forget their walker halfway down the hall, because their adrenaline has been pumping.”