It took a long time to get it up and running, but a fourth Jurassic Park finally did get announced, and it was supposed to start shooting this year on June 24. Except the production hit some snags…
As we reported previously on TGD, Universal released a statement saying they hoped to “release Jurassic Park 4 at a later date giving the studio and filmmakers adequate time to bring audiences the best possible version of the fourth installment in Universal’s beloved franchise.” Jurassic Park 4 was going to be Universal’s big blockbuster for the summer of 2014, but halting the production put the kibosh on that, and to stop everything on a movie right before a shoot set in stone always looks very suspicious.

One report said a new script came in right before production, and after reading them, Universal didn’t feel they could make the start date. Colin Trevorrow (Safety Not Guaranteed) is onboard to direct JP4, and as he told Collider, “It’s important to make a movie for the fans but I also have to remember that there’s a lot of people who just couldn’t care less and need me to make a solid case for why the hell there’s a Jurassic Park 4 in the first place…I want to make a movie for them too.”
Trevorrow added, “This is not a paycheck gig for me and it’s not the movie I’m making so I can make the movies I really want to make. I actually want to make a kick-ass Jurassic Park movie.”
Jurassic Park 4 is now scheduled for a summer 2015 release, which will put it up against Star Wars, Avengers 2, and Batman Vs Superman, making this a pretty crowded summer for genre. (JP4 is also going to be in 3D.) So can the mighty T-Rex rise again and eat up the competition? Stay tuned…