How many of us are sick and tired of sequels and prequels that give audiences all the answers? Who cares how they built the Death Star? What’s so important about a construction team piecing it together in space?
At the same time, Pacific Rim had a great idea. Put the back story in a graphic novel that you can check out before seeing the movie. Graphic novels are also much cheaper ways to create sequels and prequels, and according to Rolling Stone, there may be a sequel to Fight Club in graphic novel form.

As Rolling Stone tells us, this development was announced at Comic Con, and Fight Club creator Chuck Palahniuk promised the sequel will be “dark and messy.” We certainly wouldn’t expect anything less, and he added, “Tyler is telling the story, lurking inside Jack, and ready to launch a comeback. Jack is oblivious. Marla is bored.”
Apparently this time Tyler and Marla are married, Tyler kidnaps their kid, and “Jack is dragged back into the world of Mayhem,” as in Project Mayhem. Palahniuk has been meeting with DC, Marvel and Dark Horse about putting out this graphic novel sequel, and it would be a trip to see these superhero heavyweights putting out something infinitely darker than even the darkest comic fare.
Fight Club is a great story for the graphic novel medium, and we’d be very curious to see where the story goes from last time. We’re assuming the graphic novel will be set after the Y2K style event that Tyler set in motion, and obviously the landscape of the world will have changed considerably after that.
We also find it hard to believe Jack and Marla would have settled down to a domestic existence, but we’ll wait and see how Palahniuk sets up the story. Maybe there could also one day be a movie sequel with Brad Pitt, Edward Norton and Helena Bonham Carter all back for more Mayhem indeed.
There’s a wealth of Fight Club art here. Could be inspirational for the new graphic novel creators. This is one we liked from JNickBlack: