Has Microsoft gone too far with its long-awaited Xbox One? Is the next-gen console Redmond’s hardware version of Vista?
Unsurprisingly, analysts at DFC don’t think all that much of the Xbox One, saying the console may very well jeopardize Microsoft’s entire games operation.

“Microsoft’s overall strategy for entertainment devices is deeply flawed,” analyst David Cole wrote in a DFC report obtained by MCVUK.
“So far this has not had a major negative impact on the Xbox business but that is likely to change with the Xbox One launch. Right now the entire future of Microsoft’s consumer entertainment business is in question and that is likely to have a major impact on the game industry.”
Meanwhile, the Xbox One isn’t getting too much love from men and women in uniform, with a serviceman for the United States Navy writing dubbing the console a “sin” that will alienate the entire military.
“Their suprising decision to require the Xbox One to receive a message from the ‘mother ship’ every 24 hours has already been lighting up the internet for a myrid of reasons,” Navy serviceman Jay Johnson wrote in Gamasutra.
“But, the reason that I am so influriated about it is that I, and my brothers and sisters in arms, will not ever be able to play Xbox One when deployed or on detachment.”
Johnson also asked third-party publishers not to implement online requirements in their software.
“Do not do this to us. The video game industry has made a fortune breaking not just video game records, but entertainment records as a whole, with properties that simulate what my brothers, sisters and I do on a daily basis. Don’t alienate us with online requirements for games. It will cost you money and respect,” he added.