The 25th of May is probably one of my favorite days of the year. Why, you ask? Well, it’s Towel Day (Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy), as well as the anniversary of the first Star Wars Film, Episode IV: A New Hope (ANH) which hit theaters way back in 1977. And let us not forget the Glorious 25th of May for fans of Terry Pratchett’s wildly popular Discworld.
Perhaps most importantly, the 25th of May is also the one and only Geek Pride Day . No doubt you will choose your own way of celebrating all things geek (Princess Leia bikini, anyone?), but gazing at the infographic below is definitely a good start.
The infographic was created by Sylvie Barak, communities and university program manager at Atmel (a larger version is available here). According to Barak, “no one ♥s geeks the way we do.”

Analyst Rob Enderle apparently thinks so too, noting that there is nothing geekier than building an infographic about the word geek.
“Gotta love the title ‘Geeks building the internet since 1832,” Enderle wrote in a recent blog post. “I think we need an official geek flag and this infographic may be a good start.”
We couldn’t agree more!