I still have very fond memories of Beavis and Butthead, and used to watch it faithfully every night on MTV when it was the hottest thing since sliced bread. Creator Mike Judge was clearly no one hit wonder, going far beyond B & B with King of the Hill, Office Space, Idiocracy, and more.

I especially loved the fact that when Beavis and Butthead were popular, metal bands everywhere were terrified of these two cartoon idiots making fun of them. Maybe now Silicon Valley should be looking over their shoulder, because according to The Wrap, Judge has closed a deal to make a show that pokes fun at the tech industry for HBO, where most of the good shows are these days.
According to the site Quartz (qz.com) the show will be titled, get this, Silicon Valley. I know, clever title, right? We also know it will be a half-hour comedy, much like B + B and King of the Hill. Adding our two cents on this, it’s a great idea to place a comedy in the tech world, and we’re surprised it hasn’t been done before. The fact that Mike Judge is doing it makes it all the more sweeter.

Other tiny details we’ve been able to pick up is that Deadline reports this will be a dark comedy, shot with a single camera. This is funny for me, because I never thought of Judge’s humor being dark, but maybe he wants to take a different term with this one. Certainly Beavis and Butt-Head weren’t what I’d consider dark, (tasteless in many areas, sure), and King of the Hill is certainly very good natured. But if Judge can shine a light on silicon valley with merciless humor, this could make a very interesting series indeed.
The site betabeat was able to uncover a brief synopsis of the show, and they tell us it’s about “six programmers [who] are living together in East Palo Alto, each working on software they hope will make them rich, from a system for policing music copyrights to an app that ‘gives you the location of a woman with erect nipples.’”
Like any great comedian, a lot of Judge’s humor is pretty right on the money about a lot of things, and we’re definitely looking forward to seeing how dead on his take on the world of tech is.