Yesterday we reported that Twitter had offered certain musicians and other celebrities early access to its new music app. Today Twitter #Music went live on the web and iOS devices.
An Android application is reportedly on the way, but an exact date rollout date is still proving elusive.

However, as noted above, the application is available for iPhone users to download on the App Store right now. Essentially, the application is designed to be a music discovery and streaming platform that pulls data about trending music from Twitter and your Twitter followers.
If you don’t use an iPhone, the good news is that you can still take advantage of the new music service on the Internet via the Twitter web app. The application boasts four tabs: popular, emerging, suggested, and now playing.
The popular tab simply shows what music is the most popular all around Twitter, while the emerging tab is focused on touting new artists. The suggested tab proposes tracks, allowing users to more easily explore new songs and artists. The “now playing” tab is obviously self-explanatory, as it shows what tracks your Twitter friends are listening to. You can also touch any track that you see in the application to start music playing immediately. As expected, the app highlights band and artist twitter profiles, while linking to other musicians that those artists follow.
As we recently discussed, #Music will integrate with iTunes, Spotify, and Rdio, allowing users of latter two services to login via the app listen to streaming tracks. Meaning, you won’t have to open a second application to hear your music. Any yes, Twitter confirms it is currently exploring partnerships with additional music services.