Are you a fan of genre comic books and graphic novels who happens to own an Android device? Well, Google Play has some good news for you, as over 400 comic books from Dark Horse were recently added to the Play bookstore.
For the uninitiated, Dark Horse pubishes some the most popular comics and graphic novels on the physical and virtual shelves today, including titles in the Star Wars franchise, Serenity, Hellboy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and more.

The good news is that the entire collection of comics will be launching in every country where Google Play Books are sold. Meaning, fans in Australia, Canada, Spain, Germany, Italy, the UK, India, Japan and the US will all be able purchase the comic books without delay.
To help get people interested in the new Dark Horse content, several popular comic series are being offered for only $3.99.
One more word of warning offered up by the folks at Android Police is that some of the artwork doesn’t look right if your tablet is in night mode. The publication suggests reading the comics in day mode. I’d wager digital availability of these comics on Google Play will significantly increase their readership since many people don’t have access to a comic bookstore to purchase the physical items.