Step back world, Kevin Smith is ready to grace us with his last film, and he’s finally decided his last cinematic gift to the world will be Clerks III.
Never shy from flexing his ego, Smith announced that the third film in the Clerks series will be “the best film I’ll ever make.”

As Entertainment Weekly reminds us, Smith announced the third Clerks would be a Broadway play. Then it would be his last movie. Then a book first to be adapted into a movie.
Then on March 8, Smith posted on his Facebook page, in part, “20 years ago, we started shooting Clerks. 20 years later, with no plan or provocation, I jumped out of bed at 4:20 this morning and started writing Clerks III. It’s been like hanging out with old friends. And after 2 hours of tapping the keys and giggling, I have come to a conclusion…Clerks III will be the best film I’ll ever make.”
Great, because Smith announced it will be his last movie, so he should go out with a bang. EW tweeted Smith about Clerks III, and whether he saw it like “Jedi, Last Crusade, or Back to the Future 3?” Smith tweeted back, “It’s more Cinema Paradiso than anything else.”

So hopefully Smith will keep clacking away on the laptop and finish up Clerks III before he loses interest and decides to launch something else. Perhaps Smith wants to make absolutely sure his last film will be worth the trouble and effort, but never say never. After all, how many final tours did The Rolling Stones and The Who go on?
Several days before Smith started writing Clerks III in the wee hours of the morning, the site denofgeek reported that Smith also has “something top secret” going on at DC Comics. Smith announced this on his Fatman on Batman podcast, and that he’s working with Geoff Johns, the Chief Creative Officer at DC. Johns wouldn’t spill the beans either, except to say that the project has been “super fun.”
So if Smith is soon going to be done with movies, maybe he’ll still keep his stories going in different ways. Clerks was a hilarious and inventive low budget indie film, and here’s hoping the final installment will bring the series, and Smith’s career, full circle in fine style.