If you grew up in the 80’s, you will undoubtedly have more than a few fond memories of standing in front of a giant arcade game wasting quarter after quarter.
Recently, a cadre of gaming geeks, including Jace Hall, Jack Thompson and the folks at ArcadesRFun got together to build what may very well be the ultimate arcade machine.

The coolest thing about this arcade machine? It can play almost any video game ever made. That’s right – it is capable of playing over 50,000 different games from those console and old school 80s arcade machines. Personally, I’m willing to bet that a huge portion of those 50,000 games are titles that nobody really wants to play, but a good many of them include some of those epic 80’s video games we all know and love.
The hardware itself is quite interesting: a 55-inch Samsung 3-D LED smart TV and a 37-inch LG marquee display. The massive cabinet is also equipped with pullout shelves for the stacked PS3, Xbox 360, and Nintendo Wii.
The cabinet is packed full of a number of emulators for other consoles, allowing you to play the video games on systems that are now extinct. The control panel looks like something from the glory days of arcades with a full range of controller types including joysticks, trackballs, and others. The machine can even be fitted with a steering wheel, flight stick, or light guns.
Other features of the cabin include a Blu-ray player, and a tiltable display allowing users to play from across the room if you don’t want to stand in front of the console. The computer inside the cabinet is an Alienware machine using a six-core processor with 16 GB of RAM and a 2 TB hard drive.
The cabinet even has its own impressive sound system including a 232 watt speaker and giant subwoofer. As you can imagine something this cool won’t come cheap, but you can snap one up for $20,000 plus an additional $1,000 to ship.