If you’re old enough to remember the days before video games when arcades were primarily filled with pinball machines, you probably have some pinball nostalgia, much like I do.
I still enjoy playing pinball from time to time, and there were a lot of pop culture icons who had their own games back in the 70’s like Evel Knievel, the movie Close Encounters, Playboy magazine, Kiss, Ted Nugent, and more.

So now the news comes in that there’s going to be an Avengers pinball game, and it’s going to be a good, old fashioned, stand-up pinball game like we used to see back in the day. As Collider tells us, the company Stern Pinball has put out three new pinball games based on the franchise, Avengers Pro, Avengers LE, and Hulk LE.
Stern has also put out pinball games for X-Men, Spiderman, Iron Man and Batman, and as Gary Stern, the company’s founder and CEO said in a statement, “Throughout the years The Avengers have cultivated a loyal and energetic fan base. [We are] pleased to have the opportunity to give these fans an Avengers pinball game to enjoy for years to come.”
If you would like an Avengers pinball game in your home, and have the bucks to spend, the Avengers Pro game costs $5699, Avengers LE $8099, and Hulk LE $8099.
In this day and age where there’s so much advanced game technology, it’s cool to see something as cutting edge as The Avengers embracing pinball. There’s of course old school retro places around where you can play pinball, and it’s nice to see younger people embracing it and having fun with it, even though it’s not high tech. It would also be cool to see full blown physical pinball, not just video game pinball, make a comeback, and if the Avengers helps bring it into modern day, that would be mighty cool indeed.