Hollywood is exactly a bastion of ethics or morality, and it’s not the kind of place that usually restores your faith in humanity.
But every so often “the town” will surprise you. There are some good people out there, and it’s wonderful when we see those in the entertainment business doing the right thing.

Several days ago, there was a story about man who’s 41 and facing the end of his life. So a plea was posted on Reddit by Dan’s wife, and she wrote that her husband is fighting “an aggressive and EXTREMELY rare vascular tumor that is crowding out his healthy liver tissue…There is nothing left to do but make him comfortable, at 41 his body has had enough, he has weeks to live.”
Apparently, one of Dan’s last wishes is to see “Star Trek Into Darkness,” which is due to hit theaters in May 2013.
In reporting this story, Giant Freakin Robot asked, “Spread the word about this…Share this post on Facebook. Send @Bad_robot on Twitter this story. Anything to get the attention of JJ Abrams.” As we all know, word travels fast on the ‘Net, and this message indeed got to Abrams in a hurry.

Now Collider tells us that Abrams is apparently going to make this wish come true for this fan. After learning about this development, Abrams got on the horn to the person’s wife, and he’s trying to get a screening set up right now. The film isn’t “locked” as they say, there’s still a lot of post-production work to be done, but we bet the fan will love whatever Abrams will show him, and thank God JJ and the Enterprise crew will bring him some joy while he’s still here.
In terms of the geek elite doing the right thing, this is one of my favorite stories, along with Ron Perlman putting on the Hellboy make-up again to hang out with a young kid facing a serious illness, thanks to the Make a Wish foundation. (The kid was also made up to look like Hellboy himself and he got his pictures taken with Perlman standing back to back, looking a little like superhero father and son.)
Again, the entertainment business isn’t a paragon of virtue, so when people in Hollywood do the right thing, it’s indeed a wonderful thing to hear about and report.