You can probably make a pretty strong case that just about anybody who likes genre television is a fan of The Twilight Zone.
In the five years it was on the air, Rod Serling and his team of great writers crafted so many unforgettable stories that really brought you in, got your involved in the characters and their bizarre predicaments, then pulled the floor from under you, all in half an hour’s time.

It hasn’t been easy to try to replicate the original magic of The Twilight Zone, and trying to relaunch the Zone without Serling would be like trying to bring back the Grateful Dead without Jerry Garcia.
Still, maybe somebody can crack the code and deliver great Twilight Zone episodes again, and the latest to try is Bryan Singer, who’s also returning for the next X-Men film.
As Deadline reports, Singer has made a deal with The Twilight Zone’s old alma matter, CBS, who own the rights to the series, and the search for a writer is currently underway. There have been other attempts to reboot the Twilight Zone over the years, including a new theatrical feature at Warner Brothers.
Unlike the 1983 movie, which had four different stories by four different directors, the new attempt would be one feature length tale, but like a lot of projects set up in Hollywood, it’s currently unclear if it’s going to ever make the big screen or not.
Like any genre classic, respect to the original is crucial, so let’s hope this new attempt at rebooting the series will keep in the spirit of the Zone and also deliver cool new stories that will do Serling justice. Not an easy task, we know, but it’s admirable that anyone’s willing to try.

As you also know by know, Singer is back to helm the next X-Men film, Days of Future Past, which is a time travel story that will have the current and former X-Men cast members all together.
Singer’s been tweeting up a storm lately, and as Collider tells us, he just announced some very good news via Twitter that Hugh Jackman is officially back to play Wolverine. Deadline re-ran his tweet, which reads as follows:
I would officially like to welcome @RealHughJackman to the cast of #Xmen Days of Future Past. Very excited! More to come…”
X-Men Days of Future Past will reportedly begin shooting in April 2013 for a July 18, 2014 release date.