If summer is time for blockbusters and making tons of money, the fall and winter are when the studios compete for Oscar gold.
In addition to major Oscar bait like Lincoln and Argo, 21 animated films also up for the gold next year as well, including Wreck It Ralph, which generated rave reviews and a stellar box office take.

Not only has Ralph been considered the gamer version of Roger Rabbit, but it also may be the best video game movie yet, because we still haven’t had a great big screen adaptation of a game.
As noted above, 21 animated movies are up for Academy Award consideration, out of which only five of them will make the final cut and be nominated. In addition to Ralph, Pixar’s Brave, Frankenweenie and ParaNorman have also been chosen to compete.
So does Ralph has what it takes to potentially go all the way and win an Oscar? In the case of going up against Brave, it’s not considered one of Pixar’s best, decent but not great. And while the fans liked Frankenweenie, there isn’t the sense that it’s got that Oscar buzz, same with ParaNorman. (Both Weenie and Norman could win in technical categories considering they’re both good examples of modern stop motion animation).
As the Hollywood Reporter points out, four of the top grossing films of the year are CG animation, and stop motion is also back with a vengeance. In an earlier Oscar report, the L.A. Times felt it was “possible that the video game source material could put voters off,” but Ralph clearly transcended games, and you certainly didn’t have to be a gamer to enjoy it.
Out of 21 animated films that could make the top five, there’s no question Wreck It Ralph should make that cut. And even among the top contenders, which some feel are Ralph, Brave, and Rise of the Guardians, it looks like Ralph could have a pretty good shot at coming home with the top trophy.