Just about every PC gamer I know has spent at least some time playing SimCity at one point or another since the stalwart franchise first kicked off way back in 1989.
As you may recall, the original SimCity was almost like a requirement for a PC gamer. Personally, I have very fond memories of building my cities with various power stations and infrastructure, only to later experience some sort of random disaster or watch a rampaging monster stomp my city flat.

The big news in the SimCity realm this week is that Maxis has pushed back the launch date for the video game, albeit slightly. Originally, the game was set to launch in February of 2013, and although the delay is slight, the studio has declined to offer up an official reason for it. Hopefully, this will be the last delays, with the game remaining on track to go live for eager city builders in March.
We heard some of the first details on the new SimCity back in April of this year. We already know the title is going to be based on a new engine called GlassBox, which promises an immersive gaming experience.
One interesting factor of the new SimCity is that the in-game global economy will change depending on how people around the world are actually playing. The big downside? Players have to be online at all times. That means if your Internet connection is down or you’re on the go, you won’t be able to play.
We got our first in-depth glimpse at SimCity game play footage earlier this month, and the game looks very interesting. You can check out the video here and see what it’s like to start building a city early in the game. Maxis promises that the game is all about endless choice.