If you still can’t figure how much that Zune download or Call of Duty map pack costs in actual US currency, there might be some hope for you.
It’s being reported that Microsoft wants to nix its Microsoft Points platform and will start showing prices in local currency for digital content. That’s right; the days of consulting a calculator to figure out how much digital money you have might soon be coming to an end.

Microsoft changed its virtual currency structure in 2010, when it allowed customers to add funds to their account in increments of 400 points ($5) instead of 500 ($6.25).
This was in reaction to complaints from users who were always stuck with a handful of leftover points that could not be spent. In Windows 8, though, Microsoft Points seem to be set aside for “real money” payments, and this is leading to speculation that Microsoft could be phasing out the confusing points system altogether.
Microsoft has made previous comments about wanting to be more transparent with the cost of digital content, but clearly still operates with the confusing ratio of 1 MP = 1.25 cents.
Nintendo’s digital point system is simple enough; $1 = 100 points. And the PS3 actually has the novel idea of showing content prices in US dollars and cents, or whatever the user’s local currency is.
Under the reported new plan, Microsoft would follow in Sony’s footsteps. As mentioned, MS has made similar comments about creating a transparent system before and nothing ever materialized, but maybe the time has finally come.
This latest report says the adjustment will happen by the end of 2012. Stay tuned.