I’m sure there are plenty of gamers out there who aren’t exactly thrilled with the current state of touchscreen controls for mobile devices.
Some of you have probably even wished you could carry a small and portable game controller with you on the road – like the iMpulse which recently surfaced on Kickstarter.

The device is a multi-functional Bluetooth accessory designed to clip onto your keychain. Of course, the little gadget does more than simply control your video games. For example, if you lose your smartphone, the game controller can activate an alarm on your device to help you find it. It also doubles as a media controller.
Using the device as a media controller is a particularly big deal if you like to stream video content from your tablet or smartphone to a big-screen TV. And yes, iMpulse can also remotely activate the shutter for your smartphone or tablet camera – allowing you to pose in group shots with your pals.
The developers also say that the iMpulse will work with iOS. So far, the project has raised over $29,800 towards its goal of $49,999 with 40 days to go. Deliveries expected to kick off in February of 2013, and as expected, there are already hundreds of current-gen games supported by the controller.
If you want your own iMpulse controller, you’ll need to pledge $30 or more via Kickstarter. If you fork over $45 or more you get a custom version with a metalized finish, a personalized owner certificate, and a charging cable. A version of the controller called the TwiMpulse Duel is also available that supports two-player mode for pledges of $60 or more.