If you’ve ever imagined what life would be like if you were in the middle of “The Walking Dead,” Universal has an attraction for you.Set to be rolling out to both the Orlando and Hollywood Universal theme parks, The Walking Dead: Dead Rising will be a limited-time haunted house installation, luring visitors through twisted mazes filled with horror and mystery.

“It’s actually amazing. Standing on the set and looking around and seeing all the stuff, I just think it’s a great opportunity for people to step into the show,” said director Patrick Braillard in an MTV interview.
The Walking Dead has gained notoriety for its epic storytelling, and for its ability to tell expand what has become a very traditional pattern for zombie-related action stories.
When it comes to zombie plot lines, they are almost always written to be conveyed in a very finite, time-sensitive context. The story involves a city or town being overcome by zombies, until eventually some top-secret government group is able to come in, nuke the place, and erase any memory of the zombie existence.
In The Walking Dead, though, there is a more realistic depiction of a world that becomes completely overrun by the undead creatures, and showing that such an event is more than something that could be summed up in a 90-minute movie.
Indeed, this is the first time that a zombie invasion has been the subject of a serial drama, and it’s opening up the imagination of zombie fans the world over.
The Universal attraction will be part of Halloween Horror Nights, which run from September 21 to October 31.