Thanks to The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises, we’re going to have comics movies in theater for years to come, and if you can team the heroes up like in The Avengers, well, so much the better.
Recently, some interesting news has hit the geek-o-sphere about one of the next big superhero team movies in the works, Guardians of the Galaxy, and how Thor could be bringing in a legendary Marvel character who has yet to see the big screen.

Back in the 70’s, there was a Dr. Strange TV movie, and Bob Gale, screenwriter of Back to the Future, also wrote a script for a Dr. Strange movie that didn’t get made. Now according to Collider, there’s a rumor going around that Strange may be in the next Thor film, and this rumor also came from the same individual who leaked word that the Falcon may be in the next Captain America film, which apparently is true.
If Doctor Strange is indeed being considered, word has it Viggo Mortensen could be playing him. As Collider and The Playlist report, there’s been a Dr. Strange movie in the works at Marvel for several years, with a screenplay being commissioned in the summer of ’10.
Dr. Strange is indeed worthy of his own film, but perhaps as Collider speculates, he’d make a good character for the next Thor before headlining his own flick. Thor The Dark World is slated for release November 8, 2013, and it will be helmed by Alan Taylor, who has directed episodes of Game of Thrones and The Sopranos.
As for Guardians of the Galaxy, recently the news broke that James Gunn, who wrote the remake of Dawn of the Dead, and also did the zombie game Lollipop Chainsaw is directing.
As reported on Cinema Blend and MTV, Joss Whedon, who is the godfather of Guardians, said that Gunn “has a very twisted take on it, but it all comes from a real love for the material. I know he’s going to come from left field and I’m going to go, ‘What?’ And then, ‘Of course, why didn’t I think of that?'”
As Whedon also confirmed, there is some concern about one of the Guardians character, Rocket Raccoon, and indeed, an animated Raccoon, even in a superhero film, could come across as incredibly silly if it’s not handled right. Whedon was wondering about it himself until he found out James Gunn was being looked at to direct Guardians, then his doubts disappeared. “I said, ‘Oh, then no, you’re fine.’ He is so off the wall, and so crazy, but so smart… He loves the raccoon. Needs the raccoon.”
Guardians of the Galaxy is slated for release on August 1, 2014, and so let’s all hope Gunn can really deliver the raccoon.